Colorful circles

P5.js, chance, repeat
Creation of differently sized and colored circles that shrink with each loop

Minor edits done by Fabian Morón Zirfas. Because to much random makes me go crazy!!!

// size of full canvas
var canvas_size = 500;

// starting size of circles
// works best with being the same size as canvas_size
var circle_size = 500;

// transparency range of all circles
var transparency_from = 50;
var transparency_to = 100;

// distance between all circles
var distance_from = 0;
var distance_to = 3;
var offset = 0;

function setup() {
  var canvas = createCanvas(canvas_size, canvas_size);
  colorMode(HSB, 360, 100, 100, 100);
  offset = random(360);

function draw() {

  var x_m = width / 2;
  var y_m = height / 2;

  circle_size -= (random(distance_from, distance_to));
  var a = random(0, circle_size);

  if (circle_size <= 0) {

  var cH = (random(120, 240) + offset) % 360;
  var cS = random(50, 100) + circle_size;
  var cB = random(50, 100);
  var cA = random(transparency_from, transparency_to);
  fill(cH, cS, cB, cA);

  ellipse(x_m, y_m, a, a);

function mouseClicked() {