
Basil.js, repeat, typography
Fabian Morón Zirfas
Rotate and duplicate an element on the page in InDesign
/* eslint-disable */
#includepath "~/Documents/;%USERPROFILE%Documents";
#include "basiljs/bundle/basil.js";
// simple sketch showing the usage of some primitive forms

var w = 10; // we use this for easier calculation

function draw(){
  b.clear(b.doc()); // clear the current document
  b.units(b.MM); // we want to print. use MM intead of default pixels
  b.rectMode(b.CORNER); // draw rects from the center
  b.ellipseMode(b.CENTER); // draw ellipses from the center

  var doc = b.doc(); // a reference to the current document
  // set some preferneces of the document for better handling = {pageWidth:200,pageHeight:200};
  doc.viewPreferences.rulerOrigin = RulerOrigin.SPREAD_ORIGIN;
  b.textAlign(Justification.CENTER_ALIGN, VerticalJustification.TOP_ALIGN);
  var a = b.text("A", b.width/2  - 5,10,10,10);
  var poly = a.createOutlines(true);
      for(var i = 10; i < b.height - 20; i = i + 10){

      var dupe_poly = doc.pages[0].polygons.lastItem().duplicate(undefined,[0, i]);// this is a relative duplicate
      // create a transform matrices
      var rotate = app.transformationMatrices.add({counterclockwiseRotationAngle:(5 + i)});// rotate 
          dupe_poly.transform(CoordinateSpaces.pasteboardCoordinates, AnchorPoint.centerAnchor, rotate); // 
      }; // end of loop

  var fname = File($.fileName).parent.fsName + '/' + ($.fileName.split('/')[$.fileName.split('/').length - 1]).split('.')[0] + '.indd';
  // b.println(fname);, false, 'basil', true);
