This is our preliminary agenda:
(Please come back and check for updates)

2.00pm: Welcome note by Reto Wettach and Petra Müller.

2.30pm: Sebastian Deterding presents 9.5 theses on gamification.
3.10pm: Frederik Maucksch & Matthias Wolff lead a break-out session on augmented reality gaming experiences.
3.20pm: Rilla Khaled will talk about participatory approaches to gamification.
4.00pm: Felix Urban leads a breakout session on game aesthetics in audio culture. He will play a selection of tunes during the long coffee break.

4.10pm: Long coffee break

4.50pm : Ruttikorn Vuttikorn leads a break-out session on new roles of board games
5.00pm: Linda Breitlauch talks about Fun by Learning.
5.40pm: Timm Kekeritz leads a break-out session on behavioural change.
5.50pm: Marc Hassenzahl will diliver a talk about transformational products.

6.30pm: End of conference & drinks

10.00am: Conference de-brief
For FHP students participating in the project,there will be a conference debrief and breakfast together with the speakers on Saturday morning at NOLA’S AM WEINBERG in Berlin.